感谢 独立 强调 最佳 最潮 失恋 唯美 无语 古风 朋友 成长 非主流 暗恋 心情 霸气 文艺 伤感 一句话 游戏 搞笑


最新英文签名 热门英文签名

i jump you jump,we together jump

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2017-05-17 19:17 56次 英文签名

success is the sum of small efforts,erpeated day in and day out 成功是一天天重复的小小的努力的总合

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2017-06-20 17:00 55次 英文签名

Treating you well is my business. 对你好,那是我的事,与你无关

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2020-05-25 09:34 55次 英文签名

I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by.


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2018-01-30 16:08 55次 英文签名

who is whose who, who TAKE WHOM SERIous.


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2018-01-03 16:07 54次 英文签名

Say good give up say good beginnings.

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2015-10-05 14:20 54次 英文签名

Life without a friend is wasted


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2018-07-14 16:22 53次 英文签名

I would rather love someone I can`t have than have someone I can`t Love.


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2018-09-22 14:20 53次 英文签名

Even if time go backwards, I won't be back【就算时间倒着走,我也不会再回头】

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2017-05-22 18:55 53次 英文签名

He is rich that has few wants.


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2018-02-23 15:29 52次 英文签名

The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor.


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2015-07-21 14:56 52次 英文签名

If this is not the end if I still love you


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2017-11-28 15:53 52次 英文签名

I wanna be with you.

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2016-01-28 16:42 52次 英文签名


Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.

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2018-07-03 10:01 52次 英文签名

no one can take your place in my heart


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2018-01-25 15:52 52次 英文签名

It's too obvious to like you. There's no way to beat around the bush.


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2018-03-26 15:36 51次 英文签名

Anything unattempted remains impossible.


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2015-07-21 14:01 51次 英文签名

I think that missing person today back to less than before


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2020-04-08 16:06 51次 英文签名

不要走!说好的We Are One呢!!

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2016-02-08 09:50 51次 英文签名

Embrace the glorious mess that you are.


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2018-04-25 15:47 51次 英文签名